Our Loyalty Program.

Earn 1 point for every $1 spent at Burgur.

Every time you place an order using our mobile apps you earn loyalty apps as a bonus 😍 So download our app and enjoy the special offers. We have simplified the terms so that they are more humane 😁
1. For every $ you spend you get 1 point
2. You only start getting points from when you sign up for the Loyalty Program or from when we launched the Loyalty Program the first time (18 June 2020).
3. The available offers can be taken off or added without notice at any time.
4. Once you have purchased the coupons from the offers they will have an expiry date of 365 days.
5. Purchased coupons are a one time use coupons. So hide it from your friends 😂

If you have any questions talk to us - contact@burgur.com.au




Tasty Menu Items


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Fiesty Menu Items